Homo Novus



Chiara Bersani (Italy)
03.09. 19:00, Festival centre | Free entry

The soul is like an aviary filled with birds. It is a place where motion, colors, air movement and purposes become the flesh of what has been, of what grows, morphs, dies out, transmutes into a ghost. Chiara Bersani approaches the death of the swan with her work entitled The Animal: what happens when looking at the deep night we can recognize ourselves through the singing? (Giulia Traversi)
The animal is motionless.
The animal is a house.
The animal is a memorial to the fallen.
Has the animal fallen?
No. The animal was under the table when everything fell.
Does the animal travel?
No. There is too much debris. It could get hurt.
More than this?
More than this, you die.
The animal feels the ghosts.
The animal chose them.
If you want to meet the animal, you have to ask for permission.
(Chiara Bersani)

Mobile stairclimber / Visual performance

About artist

Chiara Bersani is an Italian performer and author active in the field of performing arts, research theater and contemporary dance. As an interpreter and as a director / choreographer moves through different languages and visions. Her works, presented in international circuits, are born as creations in dialogue with spaces of different nature and are mainly aimed at a “neighbor” to the scene. Her research as an interpreter and author is based on the concept of the “Political Body” and the creation of practices aimed at training its presence and action. The “manifest” work of this research is Gentle Unicorn, a performance included in the Aerowaves platform. For the rigor in embodying this study she is awarded the UBU Award for best new actress / performer under 35 for 2018. In August 2019, during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Gentle Unicorn and Chiara Bersani won the first prize in the dance category of the Total Theater Awards. Chiara Bersani is an artist of Apap – Advancing Performing arts project – Feminist Future until 2024.

Creation, action: Chiara Bersani
Scene & Lights: Valeria Foti with the collaboration of Richard Gargiulo and Sergio Seghettini
Vocal Dramaturgy: Francesca Della Monica
Support to the dramaturgy: Giulia Traversi
Photo: Rebecca Lena
Support of creation: Marco D’Agostin / Elena Giannotti
Support of the process: Federica Della Pozza
Promotion and curatorship: Giulia Traversi
Logistics and organization: Eleonora Cavallo
Administration: Chiara Fava
Production: corpoceleste c.c.0.0 #
Co-production: Azienda Speciale Palaexpo – Mattatoio | Progetto Prender-si Cura, Swans never die a project by Lavanderia a Vapore – Centro di Residenza per la Danza (Piemonte dal Vivo – Circuito Multidisciplinare dello Spettacolo, Coorpi, Didee Arti e Comunicazioni, Mosaico Danza, Zerogrammi); Operaestate Festival Veneto e Centro per la Scena Contemporanea CSC Bassano del Grappa; Triennale Milano Teatro; Fondazione Teatro Grande di Brescia; Festival Bolzano Danza – Fondazione Haydn; Gender Bender Festival; “Memory in Motion. Re-Membering Dance History (Mnemedance)” – Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia; DAMS – Università degli Studi di Torino
Supported by: Centrale Fies (Dro, ITA), Fabbrica Europa (Firenze, ITA)




Opening Night Performance

Free entry

30 min

Festival centre

Kaļku iela 24, Rīga

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