Homo Novus


Who Cares!/?

03.09. 19:30, Festival centre | Free entry

Who cares!” is a saying that can express irreverence or a willing dismissal of the importance of something to us, but what if it could be both a statement and an open question? In this interactive keynote with the interdisciplinary artist, Perel, we will open the festival with an interrogation of care in light of the times we are now living: from pandemic to endemic, then witness to war and its economic impact. In order to live, to break out of our grief and shrug off the stress, we need to be able to say, “Who cares!” But at the same time, this is the very moment where caring matters most. How can we embrace our own vulnerability to let it inform a collective consciousness of the vulnerability of others, and how can this consciousness support social change? Perel will open up their body to the audience for active engagement in order to hold space for this complexity of questions.

Mobile stairclimber. Text will be provided in a visual form. Audio performance.

About artist

Perel is an interdisciplinary artist whose work is centered on disability and queerness as they relate to care, consent, sexuality, and personal and historic trauma. Utilizing choreography to examine power exchange between the artist and audience, “Perel is a master at timing, of tension, relief, and intimacy while creating a space of learning and unlearning.” (Victoria DeJaco, Spike Magazine). Their work includes performance, installation, criticism and curatorial projects. They often use collaboration as a platform for the exchange of disciplines, working methods and discourses with other choreographers, composers and visual artists. Perel asks, “How do we move across space and time with respect to our collected histories?” Their work has been shown for more than a decade at numerous galleries, theaters and performance spaces in the U.S. and abroad.


Concept, artist: PEREL

Presented in collaboration with the Choreographers Association. This programme is made possible by funding from the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF) and the US Embassy in Latvia.




Opening Night Performance

Free entry

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