Homo Novus



WAUHAUS (Finland)
06.09., 07.09. 18:30, Hanzas perons, Hanzas iela 16A, Rīga | 10 / 15 EUR

Flashdance is a performance in which darkness materializes into sculptural landscapes and forms impossible for the human body. The audience is faced with their limited ability to see and the boundless terrain of their imagination.
When we stare at darkness, we struggle to understand what we see and what we think we see. Background and foreground begin to blend. When our perception is limited, our minds begin to wander, and the unknown occupies more and more space. In our society, where illumination inevitably creates more and more self-control and light penetrates everything, darkness can open up a path to notknowing. From the outside, we cannot know what the inside is like, and standing in the light, we cannot see into the darkness..

Accessible for audiences with mobility impairment. Visual performance in the dark.

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Hanzas perons

10 / 15 EUR

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