Homo Novus


Homo Novus 2022 is looking for volunteer assistants

Dita Birkenšteina | 02 08 2022 | Information

The International Festival of Contemporary theatre, “Homo Novus” is looking for volunteer assistants who are ready to join the team of organizers. The festival will take place from September 2nd to 12th, but we will be waiting for reinforcements from the middle of August.

In its 27th year of existence, the International Festival of Contemporary theater “Homo Novus” will return to the
familiarities of the inside of theatres, remaining relevant also in the public outdoor space, in the urban landscape and in more distant cities of Latvia. Among the participants, visitors will be able to see names and works created here on the spot, as well as artists who are not often represented locally.
Volunteers will be asked to perform a variety of simple technical and practical tasks, assist artists and producers in the preparation for performances, as well as provide a welcoming service to visitors at the festival info-centre and performance venues.

Why volunteer at the ‘’Homo Novus’’ festival?

In the volunteers team you will be offered an opportunity to experience new viewpoints on cultural events. By becoming a volunteer member of the Homo Novus team, you will gain valuable experience in organizing events and establishing relationships with local and foreign artists. You will have the opportunity to get to know the processes of creating the festival and follow how the work goes on behind the scenes, as well as visit the festival performances for free. Creating an inclusive, sensitive and welcoming work environment is very important to us, but above all giving you the opportunity to learn new skills and meet lots of great and creative people.

An introductory meeting will be held at the end of August with the festival team and volunteers to provide more information on the tasks and planning to be carried out, both in the run-up to and during the festival.

To become the ‘’Homo Novus” festival volunteer you must:
– be interested in contemporary theatre;
– be interested in working and communicating with people of different ages, nationality and cultures;
– be punctual;
– be independent, responsible, willing to take on initiative;
– be at least 18 years old;
– be ready to represent the festival and its values.

Please send us your application before 15th of August (till 23:59) by filling in this APPLICATION FORM.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at contact@theatre.lv or call 67228477.